My week has gone great, can't believe it was three months on the 19th time, It is going fast for me.
I do have a Thanksgiving planned for me. I'm going to a less active lady's house and I'll bet her food is going to be great.
Oh man did I eat good last night. I went on exchanges and one of the missionaries is a Tongan so I got some Tongan food which I found out that you eat with your fingers. He cooks this huge pot of chicken and potatoes and onions and while it is still steaming hot he tells me to reach in (without a serving spoon) and grab what I want, at first I thought are you crazy? Then he goes reaching into the pot and grabs this extremely hot potato and hold it in his hand for like 10 seconds, so I couldn't let him show me up, so I dove in too, got burnt hand, but at least I showed him that palangis (translated from Tongan as, white boy) ain't wimps, it was a lot of fun.
Well I gotta go. Luv ya much, have a great Thanksgiving.
Elder O'Brien
Family we taught in Bellevue name Tony and Teresa
From back left to right Elder Adams Me Elder Samani, front left to right Sasha's mom Kay and then Sasha, the person who baptized her, brother Ven,
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