1/31/2011 News from Seattle 3rd ward !!!!!!!!!

Hey family how you?
Things are going good. The weather here is cold sometimes and rumors here is that it might be snowy, so yeah NOT!!!!!!!! The snow here is not at all the same as in Utah.
Oh and we moved out of our apartment and into another one, so this is why, the UW, university ward missionaries don't have a bus and they live a long way away from campus. So they had us switch with them which kinda was a bummer cause we are now 10 miles out of our area, instead of right in the middle, so yeah we got the short end of the stick way bad.
We had an investigator come to church yesterday, first time in six weeks, so that was great, it was an unexpected visitor, but very well welcomed all the same. Church was great, it was all about missionary work and making up your own ward mission plan. You guys should think about doing that, finding someone to share the gospel with and have the missionaries teach them, that would be awesome, right? So as a missionary I am asking will you find people for the missionaries to teach?
Love ya,
Elder O'Brien.

1/25/2011 News from Seattle 3rd ward !!!!!!!!!

Hey Family,
How are you all doing?
Things are great here. Transfers are today and neither of us are getting transferred so that is good. Elder Mellor has been in this area for a long time at the end of this transfer he will have been in this area for 10 and a half months which is really crazy.
About the fireside, Elder Whitney L Clayton of the Presidency of the seventy, and Elder Patrick Kearon of the Seventy, it was a great meeting with them both. We spent most of the time asking them questions, which was great, it was a very spiritual experience.
And now on to the underground tour, it was not very good at all. The tour guide was not very good, great actress, but not a good tour guide, so yeah that was a waste of 15 dollars, I wouldn't tell anyone to go there, but I did find out that this city was built on greed, corruption and murder which is a great beginning for a city right???? So yeah it was not a very good tour. That's all for this week talk to ya later.
Elder O'Brien

1/17/2011 News from Seattle 3rd ward

Hey all you peeps in the Sanpete Valley
Things are great, the work is great and we are teaching like crazy,
just kidding, work is slow and we have kinda hit a pot hole in the
road and is repairing it on the side of the road. Other than that
I am excited for the visit of Elder Whitney L Clayton of the pres. of
the seventy and Elder Kearon from the seventy. In case you don't know Elder Kearon he is the seventy that talked in the last general conference about how when he was young he and his parents went out in the desert and he decided to wear his sandals instead of his shoes and he got stung by a scorpion and had to be driven to the hospital by his dad, so this should be a great mtg. which happen this Saturday in Belevue. Love ya all.
Elder O'Brien

1/10/2011 News from Seattle 3rd ward

Hey family,
How are you?
Life is good here, yesterday at church was fun and also our lessons
with our recent converts.
Today we are going to have some fun we are going to go on the underground tour which at this point I have no idea what it entails, so I will give you a little more details next week.
That's sad that Shane Sherman died. I didn't really know him very well I only knew Samantha.
Anyways gotta go.
Love ya all,
Elder O'Brien

1/8/20011 Pictures of ward members, investigators, new converts. Taken in 2010

Member & meInvestigator-Oscar Johnson

Members-Bustemante family & Martinez Family
Recent Converts-Rojas Family
Recent convert- Me, Austin St.Pierre
Investigators-Forleo Family
Members- Coselman Family
Members-Hutchinson family

1/3/11 News from North Seattle!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Family what's up,
Life is great here. Testimony meeting yesterday was amazing and very spiritual.
This past week has nothing new and exciting to tell other
than on P-day we went down to Pikes place Market and had fun and
bought some stuff at the Seattle shirt Co. and at Ye Old curiosity
Anyways that's it.
Elder O'Brien

1/1/20011 Pictures of ward party

Ward Party Samoan's did the Hakka dance