7/18/2001 News from Mt. Si!!!

Hey Family,
Yea I was able to get an ID card (Driver's License in now expired) so I'm all set for the plane checkout. And no, since Elder Hanson is the driver it doesn't bother me at all that I am not the driver any more.
Also I can't have my homecoming on Aug. 28 because one of the elders that I have become great friends with is having his on that date and I promised him that I would be there. So anytime after that would be great.
The work here is great, even tho I can't stop thinking of home, like all the time, but not to the point that I don't focus on the work.
So yeah that's all for last week. Love ya all and have a great week.
Elder O'Brien

7/12/2011 News From Mount Si!!!

Hey Family what's up,
Life is great here. Good news we have an on-date, so that is pretty exciting for us, her name is Taylor Mosier and she is 17, on date for the 30 of July, which is very exciting for Elder Hanson and I.
Also transfer calls came and we are both staying here, even tho both of us go home in six weeks.
The weather here is very hot as well, most of the time the sun is out and we get baked when we go out and tract.
So yeah that's about it to report on last week,
Elder O'Brien

7/5/2011 Happy 4th of July form Mt. Si!!!!!!!!

Hey Family,
Things are going great. I got a lot of happy birthday wishes from the ward and a couple presents from the ones who knew it was my b-day, and I also got an e-card from Deborah which was great.
So how was your 4th of July? Mine was awesome we had p-day and then went over to have dinner with members and then we went over to some part member family for a barbecue.
Fireworks, oh man they knew how to do fireworks, needless to say this piro was satisfied.
So that's about it. Love ya guys have a wonderful week.
Elder O'Brien

6/27/2011 News from Mount SI !!!!!!!!!!

Hey peeps hows it going?
Still recovering from mount Si climb last week, it was a fun trip.
I did receive the card thanks for the card and the money, it paid for a very nice meal thanks. Anyways love ya much.
Love Elder O'Brien

6/20/2011 News from Mount SI !!!!!!!!!!

Hey peeps life is great here I just got back from hiking Mount Si and I am dead tired right now. Four thousand feet up a mountain side is very tiring.
So anyways, yes I did send my stuff home it is with Tano Read one of my former comps and he will keep it for me until I get home.
Take care,
Love elder O'Brien