2/1/2010 Greetings from not so snowy MAPLE VALLEY!!!!!!!!!

Hi Family and Friends,
Life is great here we just barely found a new investigator last Thursday and we have taught him the first lesson the restoration. Just a little background here, I went tracting with another elder that I was on exchanges with and a ward missionary. We tracted to this lady named Nui Sakounthong and she told us to come back later that night because she was busy so we came back later that night and they invited us in. We started talking to her and her family, they are all Buddist and she and her husband didn't seem very interested, but her son Cody Sakounthong was. We started talking to him about Jesus Christ and he said that he had heard a little about him from his friends, but that he didn't know that much, so we asked him if we could come back the next day and teach him, but he didn't seem to want to. So I told him that I would bring him over a Book of Mormon to let him read and he said alright so we came back the next day and gave him the Book of Mormon. He started asking a lot of Q's so we told him that we could teach him and this time he said yes, it was so awesome, so we taught him the first lesson and set up a church tour with him tomorrow at four. So we will see how that goes. Oh and just a story of him his name is Cody Sakounthong he is Lao, he was born here in the States, he is 16, he is a great kid. Well that is my report for the week.
Oh the package did arrive, thank you so much for the photos of the family.
That would be awesome if I could get a card for family endowments.
Love ya all,
Elder O'Brien

1/25/2010 Greetings from not so snowy Mapple Valley

Hey Family and friends wusup,
The mission is great out this way.
It was an awesome time at the temple. Hey I was wondering maybe next time I go to the temple in five months or so maybe you can mail me a temple card so that I can do the endowment for a family member. I think that would be a lot more fun than doing a complete strangers endowment (not that it is bad or anything) it would be awesome. Thanks for the CD's that are coming my companion and district leader will be thrilled. Well that's all for this week.
Love ya all very much,
Elder O'Brien