8/23/2010 News from Burien!!!!!

Hey how y'all doing,
This week has been great we where able to put Kimberly, that lady with the drinking problem, and her boyfriend on-date for baptism on the 18 of Sept. which is awesome, they are progressing very well and they are going to ARP (Addiction Recovery Program) ARP is something that the church put on to help people with the addictions they may have in their life. Also our other investigators are progressing very well one of them Eva is awesome, she is chuuke and is an amazing girl and has a lot of faith, she came to church yesterday and stayed all three hours and learned a lot from the classes there. We are teaching her tonight and it is going to be fun.
Elder Read my companion just got his itinerary and is flying home on September 20 at 4:20pm, I've talked to him about it and he is both siked and extremely scared at the same time. He doesn't want to go home, but at the same time he does, he is a crazy fellow, but hey what can ya expect from a person that is going home in four weeks.
Love ya much,
Elder O'Brien

8/16/2010 Hello from Burien!!!

Hey Everyone,
How have you been doing?
Things have been great here. Two of our new investigators are a great lady named Kimberly and her boyfriend Don. They are fun people, we tracted to them and she was the one that answered the door. As we started talking to her we found out that she was a heavy alcoholic and was looking to have Jesus in her life. So we set up an appointment with her the next day and taught her the plan of salvation. Her boyfriend Don came in, after we where done teaching the plan of salvation to her, he sat down and started asking us questions. So we set up a church tour with them on Saturday and this is the funny part. We came to her house with our fellowship and there she was having a huge party with some Mexicans and she was hammered I mean literally hammered or if you don't know what that is she was extremely drunk. But she still insisted that she come on a church tour, but when she tried to get up, she was very wobbly and tipsy so we convinced her to stay put. We told her we would pick her up for church the next day. When we came and picked her up, she was a bit tipsy, but at least she was coherent enough to maybe understand the speakers so we brought her to church. She liked it a lot, but needless to say it was a very interesting sacrament meeting. So that is my report for this week.
Love ya all,
Elder O'Brien

8/10/2010 News from Burien!!!!!

Hello Everyone,
How you'll doing? Life is great here. Just got transfer calls last Saturday and I and my companion are staying. Man Elder Read is so trunky right now. He only has six more weeks left and he is making it known to the world, which has made me EXTREMELY trunky my self. But hay the good part is when he dies I get the stuff he leaves behind yeah.
Anyways life has been great here, this past week, we have found 6 new investigators and are going to teach one of them tonight. Also we got one of our investigators to church after seven weeks of trying to get her to church, so that was awesome.
That is all for this week.
Elder O'Brien

8/3/2010 News from Burien!!!!!

Hello y'all,
Wusup, this week was great, well some of it was at least. We didn't find very many solid investigators which is kind of a bummer, but hey life is still fun.
Yes in those pictures that you sent I feel that tired 24/7 I never seem to get enough sleep even when I get to bed at 10:30 and get up at 6:30, still tired all the time, I think I've gotten used to it now, but it took me a long time to do it tho.
Also our first zone conference with our new mission president was yesterday, I don't know if I have told you about him, but his name is President Todd Larkin, he is an awesome guy, he is very spiritual and sees great things for this mission. He is also hilarious, every time he talks to us missionaries he always jokes around with us. Man he is sooooo new lol, I love him a lot. Zone conference was about obedience and sacrifice and how important it is to follow the rules.
Anyways that's all for this week, talk to ya later.
Elder O'Brien

July 28, 2010 Greetings From President and Sister Larkin

Dear Parents of Elder O’Brien,
My wife and I arrived a few weeks ago to preside over the Washington Seattle Mission. Our names are Todd and Laura Larkin and we came to the mission from our home in Las Vegas, Nevada. We have a ten year old daughter named Allie and a thirteen year old son Levi with us in the mission field, and a son named Jordan who turns nineteen next week and is currently in the Missionary Training Center preparing to go to Nagoya, Japan on his mission. We dropped Jordan off at the MTC on June 30th and then reported to the Washington Seattle Mission about noon on July 1st. We anticipated a very joyous moment as our son marched into the MTC to serve a long awaited mission, but we sure found out that along with the joy it was also about the hardest thing that we have ever done. We quickly found out how difficult it is not to be able to contact him regularly and check up on how he is doing.
After our experience with our own son, we could not let another day go by without sending you a note to let you know how your son is doing here in the Washington Seattle Mission. We have met with every missionary in the mission at least twice and Sister Larkin and I have each had personal interviews with every missionary. Sister Larkin has discussed personal health issues in detail and has insured that each missionary is taking proper care of their physical, mental, and emotional health. She has also learned everything about your family and has done her best to make sure that each missionary writes home regularly.
I also had a twenty to thirty minute interview with your son, Elder O’Brien and want you to know how impressed I am with his testimony and commitment to our Savior. You should be very proud of the incredible missionary that you have raised and sent here to preach the Gospel. You son has truly been an instrument in the hands of God in bringing many people to a knowledge of the truth.
We are sending a picture taken the day we had our interviews. Thank you so much for all the training you have provided in your home and for raising such a valiant child of our Father in Heaven. We know that we can never be a substitute for your affection, but we promise that we will keep our arms of love wrapped tightly around your precious child until the day that you are reunited together again.
With Warmest Regards,
President and Sister Larkin

See photo at bottom of blog

7/26/2010 News from Burien!!!!!!!!!

How are y'all? I am doing great. This week has been hot as well, it was been between 80 and 95 this whole last week which has been very miserable walking around in. I come home every time drenched in sweat, everyday, remind me never to move to this place EVER!!!!!.
Also this last week has been about the same as the past few weeks we have been having. We are finding a few investigators here and there but most of them are Spanish referrals.(this place has lots of Mexicans) The investigators that we do find, half of them aren't solid ones, so yeah nothing new to report.
Yes I will get those pictures to you as soon as I get things in order, there is some videos of some Samoan Hakas that some other missionaries want, so as soon as they get those copied then I will send them to you.
Love ya much,
Elder O'Brien