11/8/2010 News from Burien!!!!

Hey mom and family,
To answer your question. No I have not personally baptized anybody yet and to be truthful it would be cool but, I don't care. As yet no one has asked me, so I wait until someone asks which if it is never than at least I get to teach them and progress them towards the waters of baptism. Beside it's better if a member in the ward baptizes them anyways, because it is more special to them, it is someone they will see for a long time which is better than someone who will be here for only a short period of time. And yes this mission is a lot harder than Brazil, Brazil doesn't have a lot of rich snotty people as the Seattle area does. We are going to be lucky if we reach 720 baptisms this year alone and we are at 486 as of yesterdays 5 baptisms, so yeah, I still have one person on date for baptism so I am still praying for that to happen on the 19 of Nov.
So that's it for the week. Talk to ya later.
Elder O'Brien

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