11/29/2010 News from Burien!!!!

Hello family how are you?
Thing's have been going great here, we where able to get rings for our Chuuk investigators Ipha Arongaw and Wea Herry and they will be getting married in December. It has been a long six months working with those two and is rewarding for them to make that much progress. Also hopefully if all goes as planned, they both, along with their daughter Tvanna are going to be baptized in December so it should be a great month, I am looking forward to it.
My Thanksgiving was great. We where able to go to our Phillipino members house for dinner and it was delicious. They sent us home with a bunch of food and then we went to another family on Friday, they also sent us home with a bunch of food, which I am glad for, because I am out of money on my card and this food should last us until next Monday, when we can shop for more food yeah!!
Anyways that's all to report this week.
Elder O'Brien

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