10/19/2010 Greetings from Burien!!!!!!!

Hey whats up,
How is everything going, things here are great. I was just able to go exchanges with my zone leader and had a lot of fun with him. While I was talking to him I found out that he is a fellow halo addict so we ended up talking a lot about halo it was awesome. Also even tho he is a zone leader he is just like me, very apprehensive to talk to people and how to start up a conversation, so it was hilarious when we went tracting. Every time we would start talking to someone we would nudge each other in the side when we ran out of words and or Q's which was quite frequent LOL.
Also we where able to find 4 new investigators last week and we are doing a church tour with two of them tomorrow at 7.
Yes I will get you those pictures asap, that is when I get more money on my msf card. Anyways that's all for now.
Love y'all,
Elder O'Brien

7/12/2010 Greetings from Burien!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everybody what's up,
Things are great here, I am really starting to get to know the people well and I am starting to dislike just a little not being able to be in a car, but hey if this is just a little trial I am going through then I will bear it with patience. May be then at last the Lord will reward me with another 2010 Toyota Corolla mission vehicular machine.
One thing I do not like about this place is it is too cramped, no place for a country boy to roam no room.
Also elder Read is teaching me a lot about how to be a better missionary something that my trainer did not do very well, so that is always great.
That is all this week, nothing really exciting going on.
Until next time love ya much.
Elder O'Brien

7/5/2010 News from Burien!!!!!!!!!

Hey y'all how ya doin,
I'm doing great it has been a great week for me. I got a birthday card from the office and also I got your card thank you for the card. Last Saturday Elder Read took me out to lunch for my birthday, it was a good meal, we went to this place called Australian Pie Company, and they serve delicious pot pies.
My 4th of July was great. Very annoying that I was not able to light any myself, which was completely and utterly frustrating. Fourth of July is a pyros favorite holiday and I was not able to celebrate it fully, but I did see a lot of cool ones that were set off by people around us.
Also fast and testimony mtg. was great, a lot of great people in the ward, and yes it is pretty common to have so few active people coming to church, yeah pretty lame, huh. Well that's all for this week.
Love ya all,
Elder O'Brien

6/28/2010 News from Burien!!!!!!

Hey y'all how y'all doin,
I'm doin great, I was able to meet the ward for the first time yesterday in sacrament mtg. great ward, but very small about 70 to 80 active people with a membership of 500, pretty crazy huh? It's great tho we are serving with a couple of senior missionaries which is awesome because of so much inactivity here.
Elder Read and I are getting along great he is teaching me a lot and is a cool guy. He has been out for 21 months and is extremely trunky so I try to keep home off the subject as few times as possible so that I don't make myself more trunky than I already am.
Last week was great, while street contacting we found two new investigators by the name of Aries and Junior both are Samoan and great guys, we also found a 17 year old girl named Jasmine who is trying to get the parent's permission to bring her out to a church tour.
Oh and by the way this area is a bus route so that means no car :( sad, so I walk every where I go now. I get the full experience of what real missionary work is really about now. I know how Daniel felt on his mission just a little bit, but now I know. Love y'all have a great week.
Elder O'Brien