The work is great I have a baptism this Saturday so that will be my first baptism his name is Benny and he is 17 he is a great guy he has already set up his program and is very excited about being baptized and receiving the priesthood. My other baptisms are on the 21st 28th and 19 of Dec. the last one I doubt I will see, but hey who cares at least they are being brought into the fold of God.
The work is great, tho I am suffering a little from homesickness once in awhile.
Elder Samani is teaching me so much as is Elder Adams. They both come from way different worlds then I do and are teaching me a lot of patience and humility.
As for the mission it is great. I recently went to a mission conference where Tacoma mission and Seattle mission combine. We listened to Elder L Tom Perry and L Whitney Clayton And G Garon Walker, it was an awesome experience. At first we didn't think that we would be able to shake their hands because of the swine flu that is going around (in which I got a shot for which was not fun at all) but then Elder Walker came up to the stand and says that Elder Perry and Elder Clayton wants to shake our hand and that they will have hand sanitizers available. So we all lined up and got to shake the hands of Elder Perry, Elder Clayton and Elder Walker. All I can say is oh man it was AWESOME!!!!!!! and the stories that I have heard about Elder Perry being a large man is not a lie, he is a tank and getting to shake my hero's hand was a very humbling experience. Then all three of them talked to us about our missions, it was great. Elder Perry is a very funny man, he was constantly joking around with the missionaries he shook hands with. Anyways that was my week it has been a very fulfilling week and also good news is I finally got 20 total lessons this week which is the mission standard.
Well love ya all very much,
Elder O'Brien
P.S. I will try to take more pics and send them home ASAP.
Me and elder Lauti then from left to right is my old companion Elder Adams who is from Ceder City Utah, the middle is my old district leader Elder Chalmers he is from Montana he is a great guy the last one is Elder Samani My second companion in Bellevur he is from Provo Utah and went home last transfer he is also a great guy
Elder Wilson me and Sister Wilson they are Senior Missionaries we have in the mission that worked at the office while I was in Bellevue. I got to know them a lot and have considered them as my unofficial Gram and Gramps. They are going home at the end of this transfer which makes me sad.
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