Hello Family and friends,
Conference was great, wasn't it? Oi au ee I am so jealous, that you (Mom, Dad and Daniel) where able to watch it at the conference center. I watch them all at the stake center, my favorite was Elder Perry on missionary work, it was so AWESOME I hope that the talk will give the people here a bigger desire to share the gospel with their neighbor (something they have not been doing recently) and Holland's talk oh my, that was an awesome talk. I love how he was so bold about the Book of Mormon, it is exactly how I feel like saying to all these people who think that the Book of Mormon is fake, it is so frustrating, as quoted from this one guy I spoke to last weak. "Oh I think that the stories in the Book of Mormon has a good moral story, but I don't thing it is true and I certainly don't think that Joseph Smith translated it" he said this after being taught a lot of the discussions and also reading the Book of Mormon from cover to cover. Also this lady whom we have been teaching for a year ("We" meaning SEVERAL missionaries) has been taught all the lessons at least twice and has just barely finished the Book of Mormon. Her reply to us on asking her to be baptized is " I don't think that I need to be baptized again" even after we have taught her about having to be baptized by the authority of God several times, she said she is no longer interested and so we had to drop her. I just hope what she is doing is making her happy because I think she will regret her decision when she dies if she never changes her mind.
So yeah that is my weekly report and God bless you all.
Elder O'Brien
P.S. To explain the title I have a Tongan Elder named Elder Vaenuku (see if you can pronounce that) in my area and he constantly says that sentence so it has caught onto me, so now I am saying it all the time.